











USA Today, Reviews

August 2009


I was reading some of the praise for this book, and one reviewer likened Eric Wentz to Tom Clancy. I thought about it, and I guess the comment is valid, but only with a rider. Eric Wentz writes in the same style, but it was way back when Tom Clancy was actually an author rather than an industry! Eric Wentz puts his heart into his book Piercing The Veil.

     I love action and adventure books, and Piercing The Veil satisfies my hunger. There is action from page one until you reach the back cover. This is escapism at its finest. As a reviewer, and a lover of books in general, I never assign a number of stars to a book. People have their own criteria of what they like and what they do not. My wife Jan for example, does not read many books, but  she is my bellwether on how good a book is. Her scale is based on time. I like to read while sitting outside on the porch, the longer she does not see me, the better the book! Piercing The Veil scored 5 hours! There are few books that reach that lofty height.

     Good book huh? - was her comment when I finally came inside. She knows me too well!

     Piercing The Veil hit all of my neural receptors in all the right spots. We have a secret military unit that comes from various countries, they are so secret that they do not even have a name, the term ‘plausible deniability’ comes to mind, a phrase that has a long and illustrious past in politics. The secret military force plot has been done before, but Eric Wentz manages to put a very unique spin on it.

     Lieutenant Commander Grant Chisholm looks like a life timer in the armed forces. He has the smarts, he has the leadership qualities, but does he have the edge? Some people think he does. It is with this in mind that they contact him, making him a very strange offer.

     The idea of a mystery assignment piques his interest, and the game is on.

     It does not take Grant long to figure out that he is indeed ‘an army of one’. Information is plentiful, yet actual assistance is somewhat spotty. He also starts to ’smell a family connection’.

     Mostly the action takes place in England and Scotland. But, there are lots of events in other countries that have great bearing on this story, but to share more of the plot would spoil it.

     Piercing The Veil is a wild and exciting ride. If you are looking for a few hours of escapism this book is for you.

     From a technical perspective this book is put together very well, the plot moves rapidly and Eric Wentz has done an excellent job of character development. It has been well edited and the end result is a novel of the highest quality. It will be interesting to see what his next project is like.

– Simon Barrett, USA Today

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Web Design by Mark C. Wentz   |  Copyright © Eric John Wentz 2009

Military photos courtesy of SSgt. Daniel Kozar (Ret.), United States Marine Corps 

"A wild and exciting ride. The hidden best seller of 2009." - Simon Barrett




MWSA Reviewer | Military Writers Society of America

September 2009


A story of military intelligence from 1941 and the days before the OSS and CIA to the present day and a highly qualified team of SEALs. Lt. Commander Grant Chisolm leads the SEAL team on a secret meeting to rescue hostages and in the process learns the true mission of his life.

     Like many thrillers, Piercing the Veil has many twists and turns, and you never know what will happen next. However, Wentz takes us an important step further. The action and suspense of the well-thought out plot is accompanied by multiple layers, knowledge of historical events, a strong sense of description of places and events, and well-developed characters.

     Beyond the plot, it’s the story of countries at conflict, military strategy and a man’s moral dilemma. Lt. Commander Grant Chisolm’s hostage rescue assignment is complicated by the need to understand the past.

     Wentz develops his characters into complex people who struggle with good and evil.

     The story displays the author’s knowledge of military affairs, history and the human mind. I recommend this book to anyone who likes fast-paced action and a good read.

Pat McGrath Avery, MWSA Reviewer